Friday, March 3, 2017

Messy Monday.... On a Friday

Hello Everybody!!!

Monday is a no school day for me so that means that i get to pick up my littles and have some Mommy and We time before Daddy gets home. We normally spend this time doing a craft.Therefore I will be posting a different creative activity every Monday. Even though this first one is on a Friday the rest will all be on Monday.

Easter is April 16, 2017 and our family always colors Easter eggs. There are different reasons that people color eggs for Easter. Our family does it because they look beautiful after they are completed and the little ones love to eat hardboiled eggs only if they are colored.

There are so many different types of egg coloring kits to choose from but how do you know what one. I normally take my littles and let them each pick out a kit.

Coloring Easter eggs is such an easy and fun craft for anybody to do with their littles. In order for my kids to eat the eggs they have to be cooked perfectly (well at least to them). For our eggs to be done perfectly we set a timer for 13 minutes after the water starts boiling.

Even though my littles are little they have such an imagination when it comes to coloring their eggs. The issue with that is that their eggs tend to turn out being only one color because they like to
keep dipping tom make them "multi-colored" even though the colors are underneath the other colors!

There are many different blogs out there to help get ideas for different ways to decorate eggs. My favorite blog to look for ideas is MumInTheMadHouse. On this blog she has a list of 20 different ways to decorate eggs.

This craft is rated at a 2.5/5.0 Mommy Hair Pulling
Rather simple craft, except for the stained counters

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