Monday, March 27, 2017

Messy Monday.... Bobble Heads!

Walking through Target the other day and came across a craft that I found absolutely creepy but the littles wanted to do it so bad. I have never been a fan of bobble heads. I think that they are creepy and most of them have giant heads on top of the fact that they bobble. They are just creepy.

After what seemed like hours of whining I finally caved and we bought the kit because as the boy put it "Mommy it has 3 doggies inside so there is one for each of us!" The littles could not wait to get home and paint their dogs.

I do have to say that it was nice to finally buy a craft kit that had a box that was not huge compared to the product that was included inside. Additionally, for the price that we paid for the kit there was a lot of materials that were included. The only thing that I would change is that there is 3 dogs and only one thing of paint. (Good thing already have extra paint)

Before we started painting each little went through the supplies and chose the ones that they wanted. Since I have a boy and a girl it was pretty easy for them to choose because apparently there are "boy" colors and "girl" colors and that is the way we went.

Since there were 3 doggies I was able to paint one for myself. The littles really like the fact that we all were able to do the project together. Even though I think that bobble heads are creepy, these little doggies are super cute and the kids really enjoyed painting and decorating them. Most projects that the littles get excited about turn out to be duds but these little doggies are highly entertaining.

I would give this project a 3/5 mommy hair pulling score

This was an enjoyable craft with minimum arguments. However, this craft can get messy

Monday, March 20, 2017

Messy Monday....... Painting Butterflies

Happy First Day of Spring Everyone!! In celebration of Spring we decided that we were going to paint some beautiful butterfly magnets to brighten up our refrigerator. We have been over the winter season for awhile now and are very excited to see the beginnings of our spring flowers popping up.

Magnet Kit purchased from Walmart

When it comes to these craft kits I am really not understanding the size of the boxes they come in.  I think that they make these boxes so big because all littles are like my littles and wont choose a craft unless it comes in a huge box. When choosing the craft to do my littles choose the largest box because they think that it is going to have lots of stuff inside.

My littles were so excited when opening the box, even my boy, but when what was inside fell out there was a look of disappointment and he said "Oh come on!" Needless to say his interest went away very fast.

Included in the box: 1 large butterfly magnet, 4 smaller butterflies, 1 set of paint and a paint brush. I had to purchase additional paint because my littles are not so good at sharing the paint.

The great thing about this craft is that the littles didn't need much help with everything. They were able to sit and do the craft all by themselves without me having to complete any of the steps for them. I was able to enjoy the moment and just watch their little minds work.

We started out with such high hopes that these butterflies were going to look like the ones we see outside... except pink and "boy colors" whatever that means. I knew from the very beginning that they were going to turn out a mixture of every single color of paint we had (which would create a greenish color) and "boy colors"

The final result is that we have 3 green butterflies, 1 "boy color" butterfly and a butterfly painted my me. The boy lost interest after he was finished with his butterfly and decided that he was going to help Daddy do something "manly".

As I was painting my one little butterfly I was able to sit and enjoy the company of my girl. We talked about how it was so exciting that it was Spring time and how she was excited to go outside and play. She told me how she wants to fly her kite and color with chalk. She cannot wait for our flowers to pop up so she can pick them. I am hoping that we are going to have a lot of outdoor adventures this spring.

The thing she is most excited about though is..... finding worms! My little girl may love to wear dresses and jewelry but she is always the first one in the mud no matter what she has on.

I'd give this craft a 1.0/5.0 Mommy hair pulling score.

This was a very easy craft... only thing to deal with was the clean up

Monday, March 6, 2017

Messy Monday..... Bouncy Balls!!!!

With the weather getting nicer the littles have been itching to go outside and play. Today's craft was picked out to let them go outside and run around for just enough time before they got too cold and wanted to come back inside.

Bouncy Balls!!

I ordered these from Amazon the other day just waiting for the right day to make them. Today was that day. 

This box is a pretty good size for a kit to make bouncy balls and when we opened it up to get all the supplies out I thought for sure that this project was going to be a dud. (They totally could have gotten away with a smaller box) The first thing that I did was pull out the directions and thankfully they were super easy to read.

Let The Fun Begin

There was 8 different colors of bouncy ball making "stuff" to choose from and an additional 2 packets that included glow in the dark "stuff"

It also included 2 bouncy ball molds (thank goodness)

Each little one chose their colors and mold... The boy chose blue, orange, green, and yellow....

The girl chose pink, purple, and another shade of pink.

They then took their turns of pouring the colors into their molds. 

Once the little ones had their molds filled we had to take the molds and place them in an empty container and then fill the container up with warm water and let the molds sit for 10 minutes.

(Obviously patience isn't one of their strengths)

Finally the 10 minutes was over and it was time to take the molds out and open them up to play with.... Right..... Nope... we had to wait another 10 minutes for the bouncy balls to sit in their molds outside of the water.

After the longest 10 minutes of their lives it was time to take their bouncy balls out of the molds and play.

I have to admit that when purchasing this kit you get a lot of bang for your buck. We made 8 bouncy balls and only used half of the bouncy "stuff". That means that we still have the supplies to make more on a different day once they lose the ones they made today. Another positive of the kit is that it is SUPER easy. All you have to do is poor the material in a mold, place it in water and wait.

The only negative that I found is that they only give you two molds and the littles had to wait 20 minutes for each bouncy ball to be finished. My boy said "That is like 100 years Mommy!"

The littles did have a great time making the bouncy balls and an even better time playing with all of them afterwards.

I'd give this craft a 1.5/5.0 Mommy hair pulling score.
There was minimum frustrations, except for the waiting

Friday, March 3, 2017

Messy Monday.... On a Friday

Hello Everybody!!!

Monday is a no school day for me so that means that i get to pick up my littles and have some Mommy and We time before Daddy gets home. We normally spend this time doing a craft.Therefore I will be posting a different creative activity every Monday. Even though this first one is on a Friday the rest will all be on Monday.

Easter is April 16, 2017 and our family always colors Easter eggs. There are different reasons that people color eggs for Easter. Our family does it because they look beautiful after they are completed and the little ones love to eat hardboiled eggs only if they are colored.

There are so many different types of egg coloring kits to choose from but how do you know what one. I normally take my littles and let them each pick out a kit.

Coloring Easter eggs is such an easy and fun craft for anybody to do with their littles. In order for my kids to eat the eggs they have to be cooked perfectly (well at least to them). For our eggs to be done perfectly we set a timer for 13 minutes after the water starts boiling.

Even though my littles are little they have such an imagination when it comes to coloring their eggs. The issue with that is that their eggs tend to turn out being only one color because they like to
keep dipping tom make them "multi-colored" even though the colors are underneath the other colors!

There are many different blogs out there to help get ideas for different ways to decorate eggs. My favorite blog to look for ideas is MumInTheMadHouse. On this blog she has a list of 20 different ways to decorate eggs.

This craft is rated at a 2.5/5.0 Mommy Hair Pulling
Rather simple craft, except for the stained counters