Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Madness Begins Here

Given the opportunity I would do crafts with my children all day everyday.

I love the way their eyes light up when the project is finished.

My children are only 18 months apart so life is pretty hectic. They are best friends and always love doing everything together. (Although there are days where they don't always see eye to eye)

This blog is going to chronical our journey completing crafts together. I am sure that there is going to be chaos during our fun and don't worry I will not leave it out! There is nothing more wonderful than watching little minds learn and experience new things.

I have been using Pinterest to find my crafting ideas and continue to find new ideas and adding them to my Kids Craft Idea Board.

My littles and I will be doing crafts that cost less than $10 to complete and will be good for kids that are under 10 years-old. The kids crafts that will be done using kits that have been purchased or by using parts and pieces that we have already have at home.


  1. I don't have any children myself, but I have a nephew on the way! I'm really excited to find things that I'll be able to do with him when he gets a bit older!

    1. Before I had children I would craft would my niece and nephew. They would have so much fun because it was something they didn't get to do everyday.

  2. I love crafting and making things with the kids, but our projects always get far too involved. It will be fun to find new things to do together!
    How early did you begin crafts with your sweet babes? I have three older children but I'm getting impatient to start crafting with my 6 month old.

    1. I began to craft with my kids from the day they were born! One of my favorite things to do is every Mother's Day they kids make a piece of art for me to hang in the hall. They are only able to use their body parts so when they were babies I would paint their hands and feet and then they made a "mess"

  3. This will be so exciting to see what the kids enjoy. I have a little cousin who I watch often, so to be able to get some crafty ideas from this will be super helpful. I look forward to hearing the comments made by your kids.

    1. Thank you. I think that there is nothing more amazing than to sit and watch the wheels in a child's head turn. Their imagination and creativity is something we should all strive to hold on to throughout our lives.

  4. I think this is such a great idea. I don't have kids of my own but I'm around them everyday because of nieces and nephews. Sometimes I run out of things to do with them so I'm excited about your blog because I can run on here anytime to get some new ideas.

    1. I am hoping that I will have a new craft at least every Monday. I am finding that his blog is helping me find ways to spend more one on one time with my children and really make them think creatively. We have always done a lot of crafty things but this blog has helped us administer a set time where there are no electronics and we are just enjoying each other. I cannot wait to see where it takes us.
